
What To Do If My Urine Is Cola Colored

Sherry Haynes is currently pursuing a PharmD degree and has experience in both the clinical and management sides of chemist's.

The appearance and odor of urine tin be an indicator of your lifestyle and wellness. This was how doctors of the eighteenth century diagnosed illness of their patients. But since urine analysis have advanced so much this is not practiced anymore. It might now only hateful a sign to patients regarding their health.

Medications, food, dyes, pigments, and some poisons similar phenol tin change the colour of urine anything from red to green.

It might be disconcerting for people to see the color of urine alter as it does not happen usually. Merely the good news is that at most times the cause of the color alter is harmless for case, when information technology is due to medications or dyes. But, information technology tin be a sign of an underlying illness and should not be ignored especially if yous do not suspect whatsoever other cause. In such instance please contact a GP immediately.

The normal color of the urine ranges from light yellow to dark amber depending on the concentration of the urine. A pigment called urochrome and to a lesser extent, urobilin and uroerythrin gives urine its color. Hemoglobin, myoglobin, bilirubin, and uric acid are other pigments present inside our body that may also modify the urine color.

The listing provided below indicates well-nigh common causes of urine color change.

Urine Colors Chart

Urine Colors Chart

Xanthous Urine

Yellow colored urine is used as an indicator of dehydration for patients in the ICU. Dehydration is most possible cause of yellow urine. Non drinking enough water can make your urine concentrated and go far turn dark xanthous. Drinking more than fluids can bring the condition to normal.

Medical conditions similar diabetes, hypothyroidism, infection with Serratia marcescens are some other causes.

Orange Colored Urine

Orange color of urine is usually caused by precipitation of uric acid in the urine.

Dehydration or a problem with liver or bile duct may be the reason. Orange color urine was also observed in Citrobacter infection cases before.

Medications such as Phenazopyridine, Phenolphthalein, Rifampicin, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) , Vitamin C, Warfarin, Isoniazid, parkinson's meds (tolcapone, entacapone) tin give urine orange appearance.

Eating a lot of beets and carrots tin also change the color of urine.

Milky White / Foamy

Milky appearance of urine is unremarkably caused due to chyluria, a condition in which chyle is present in the urine. Information technology is unremarkably caused in filariasis infection but tin can too have other causes not related to infections. The drug Propofol tin can also give a milky appearance to urine.

Information technology may indicate excess proteins or excess phosphates in your diet.

Red Urine

Food such as beets, blackberries, rhubarb, and senna may cause urine color modify to whatsoever shade of carmine and orange. Colorings used in food such as Aniline congo red rhodamine B may besides cause carmine color urine.

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Medications: Azosulfamide, Azuresin, Anthraquinone, Chlorpromazine, Chloroquine, Deferoxamine, Hydroxocobalamin, Ibuprofen, Iron injections, Metronidazole, Nitrofurantoin, Phenazopyridine, Phenyl salicylate, Phenytoin, Phenolphthalein when used to loosen stools, Phenothiazines, Rifampicin.

Medical conditions: Citrobacter and Serratia infections, G6PD deficiency, sickle prison cell anemia, thalassemia, and transfusion reactions.

Phorphyria due to presence of porphyrin pigments in the urine is a harmless cause.

Note: Red urine almost commonly results from blood in the urine (hematuria) . In fact a single driblet of blood can make urine announced red. Blood in urine tin be caused due to lead or mercury poisoning, kidney or bladder stone, urinary tract infection, tumor in urinary tract, prostate trouble or other weather condition. Red urine should non exist ignored and must be brought to a dr.'south notice immediately.

Blue or Green Urine

Asparagus and some medications tin can cause urine color appear light-green. Very few cases of blue urine take been reported simply the causes of blue urine are same equally those of green.

Medications: Amitripyiline, Azuresin, Bromoform, Chlorophyll containing jiff mints, Cimetidine, Clioquinol, Flupirtine, Flutamide, Guaiacol, Indomethacin, Iodochlorhydroxyquin, Magnesium salicylate, Methocarbamol, Mitoxantone, Phenergan, Phenylbutazone, Phenyl salicylate, Promethazine, iv Propofol, Resorcinol Tetrahydronaphthalene, Thymol, Tolonium, Triamterene, Zaleplon.

Medical weather condition: Familial hypercalcemia, bacterial infection acquired by Pseudomonas, Hartnup'southward illness.

Meds with methylene blue dye in them volition brand urine announced dark-green. Methylene blueish dye has weak antiseptic properties. It is used in many medicines to reduce symptoms of urinary float inflammation or irritation. Other dyes such as diagnex, evan, indigo, methylene blue, toluedine blue may as well make urine light-green.

Brown Urine

Trouble in the upper urinary tract may lead to tea colored or chocolate-brown urine. This may exist because of myoglobin or hemoglobin. Kidney infection, malaria, and drugs that tin destruct the red blood cells can make urine appear brown or cola colored.

Medications such as the anti-malarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, furazolidone, levodopa, methocarbamol, methyldopa, metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, niridazole, primaquine. Overdose of acetaminophen/paracetamol can also cause chocolate-brown urine.

Taking senna, rhubarb or fava beans in a lot of quantity can too make the urine brown.

Pinkish Urine

Foods such every bit beets, blackberry, rhubarb, red clover, or beefsteak juice can bring about a pale pink colour in the urine.

Medication propofol may also requite urine a pink color.

Black Urine

Pigments from within our trunk like hemoglobin, melanin, porphyrin, or myoglobin are usually responsible for blackness discoloration of urine.

Atomic number 26 given through muscular route and other medications like chloroquine, furazolidone, levodopa, metronidazole, and primaquine can give urine a dark appearance that is well-nigh black.

Also much of fava beans and rhubarb may also requite black appearance to the urine.

Poisons like cresol and endosulfan can also produce black urine by causing destruction of red blood cells and other cells. Paraphenylene dye present in hair dyes is one of the most common crusade of black urine noted in patients who have taken the hairdye intentionally.

Purple Urine

In that location is no such affair as purple urine. Imperial urine is actually not the color of urine but the urine bag that was first used in a disease called purple urinary bag syndrome (PUBS) . This condition is caused by some bacteria that change the color of liver enzymes to blue and red pigments in the urine. These colors when react with the synthetic urine purse form majestic color.

Constipation, long-term urinary catheterization, and high dietary levels of tryptophan can lead to purple urinary numberless. Females, elderly people, and those with dehydration are at a college risk of developing this PUBS.

Fun fact

Depending on the urine colour, descriptions of iv temperaments (choleric, melancholic, sanguineous, and phlegmatic) were given in the de Katham bike in the 18th century. Pink, red, and dark-green urine were linked with choleric personality. These are the people who are more extroverted, independent, decisive, and goal oriented. Blueish color was associated with melancholic personality - analytical, detail oriented, deep thinker and introverts. Yellow was continued with sanguine personality, highly talkative, enthiastic, and social.

Notwithstanding, this theory is rejected past modern medical sciences. Though many advances have come in the urinalysis, knowing the possible causes of change in the urine color can help you in existence alert.

If you accept any questions about medications please feel free to ask me in the questions section below. I would be more than pleased to help y'all.


1. Viswanathan, S. (2013). Commendation: Urine Bag equally a Modern Mean solar day Matula. ISRN Nephrology. (12):109-116. Retrived on : Dec 9, 2018.

2. Singh, A.K. Agrawal, P. Singh, A.Thou. Singh O. (2014). Citation: Differentials of Abnormal Urine Color: a review. Register of Applied Bio-sciences.(one):R21-25 Retrived on : December eleven, 2018.

This content is accurate and truthful to the all-time of the author's knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, handling, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual footing. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

© 2018 Sherry Haynes

Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. on Apr 09, 2019:

Hello, Sherry, as a child, I remember the color associated with urine in the fun fact game. Just I had pleasance in reading the story for the information information technology impacts. Also, the article is educational. Now, I know what is happening equally I urinate. Many thanks for sharing.

Sherry Haynes (author) on December 09, 2018:

Thanks for reading, Liz. Even I was amazed to see the case reports I read while researching this article.

Liz Westwood from UK on December 09, 2018:

I had heard of cherry-red urine from eating beetroot, only I had not seen such a comprehensive list every bit in this article.

What To Do If My Urine Is Cola Colored,


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